
In CyberHack it’s all about hacking your opponent’s Nexus and protecting your own (the large pyramids in the picture). Each round is basically about building the board with Gateways (small round pieces) and creating chaos with VARs (the red and black pyramids).

You’ll learn the rules in no time (they take up no more than a single piece of paper) and begin to grasp the strategies within a few playthroughs. It’s not as complex as chess, but it’ll still take you some time to learn how to use the strategies best.

One of the best things about CyberHack, in my own opinion, is the difference between building the board and wreaking it with the VARs.

Playtime should be around 30 minutes.

Read my ramblings about CyberHack!

Read news about CyberHack!

< undead risingBGhundespillet >

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